
Board of Directors Subcommittee Meetings

TBD Central Time (US and Canada)
Meeting Location: 21 South Tarragona Street, Suite 101, Pensacola, FL. 32502
If you need attendance by Zoom or need accommodation for the meeting, contact Debbie Stanwood by email: info@cilnwf or Voice: 850-595-5566 (office).

CIL of Northwest Florida services sponsored by the United States Department of Health and Human Service-Administration for Community Living; Florida Department of Education-Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services; Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology; local businesses and individual contributions.
Email: info@cilnwf
Voice: 850-595-5566 (office)
Sorenson VRS: 850-208-3106
Relay: 711
Email: info@cilnwf
To request an accommodation please call 850-595-5566 or email [email protected]

Funding for CIL programs provided by:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services-Administration for Community Living
Florida Department of Education-Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology
United Way of West Florida
Sunday’s Child
Impact 100 Pensacola Bay Area
Local Businesses, Private and Individual Donations

Events Gallery

On July 29, 2022, the CIL of Northwest Florida celebrated their 42nd year  of providing people with resources which empower then toward reaching their desired potential.  In addition they celebrated the  32 year anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  Hot off the press! VIP Pensacola‘s September 2022 issue features the CIL’s July 29 Gala Celebration of Gratitude and Community Recognition at Corrine Jones Community Center. Click the link, then head over to pages 46-47 to see the nice write-up and all the photos!  VIP Pensacola’s September 2022 issue

Past Events

man with helmet riding in a handcycle in a parking lot
Senior man sitting in a handcycle with two aids in gray uniforms helping him
woman in red sitting in a handcycle in a parking lot. A woman in a gray polo is helping by pushing her from behind
Two women in sombrero hats after a CILNWF meeting
the awards ceremony after a 5k running race events where this competitor competed using a hand cycle in the handcycle division created so people with disabilities can be included to participate. This photo is after the race when the competitor is back in her wheel chair and she is accompanied by her service animal. 
woman at a CILNWF information table at a public awareness event is helping a young man pick swag from a red basket
woman smiling behind a table full of CILNWF information, pamphlets, tools, and swag at a public awareness event
woman in a hat holding and setting up a fishing rod. A young boy in a purple shirt is crouched down facing her while holding up two more fishing rods
participant sitting in a white plastic lawnchair holding a fishing rod at the Penwheels Fishing Rodeo
participant o Penwheels Fishing Rodeo smiling in a lawnchair
young participant of Penwheels Fishing Rodeo sitting in the shade in a camping chair with a fishing rod pointed toward the lake
participants at Penwheels Fishing Rodeo in a line holding fishing rods