Our Board Members

Mari Marcanio

Mari Marcanio


Jay Fraiser - board and staff

Jay Fraiser

Immediate Past-President

Spencer Blomquist - board and staff

Spencer Blomquist


Alesia Macklin - board and staff

Alesia Macklin

Board Member

Dawn Shumaker Smith - board and staff

Dawn Shumaker Smith

Board Member

Sharod Edwards - board and staff

Sharold Edwards

Board Member

Our Staff Members

Carolyn L Grawi - board and staff

Carolyn L. Grawi

Executive Director

Coach Glenn McDuffy - board and staff

Coach Glenn McDuffy

Associate Director

Debbie Standwood - board and staff

Debbie Sizemore

Office/Fiscal Manager/Peer Mentor

Danny Broxson - board and staff

Danny Broxson

IL Skills/Volunteer Coordinator/Peer Mentor

Karen Teamer - board and staff

Karen Teamer

Independent Living & FTRI Program Specialist

Victoria Odom - board and staff

Victoria Odom

Information & Referral Specialist

Diana Tift - board and staff

Diana Arnold

Administrative Assistant & Equipment Manager

Brett Robinson - board and staff

Brett Robinson

Okaloosa/Walton Counties Coordinator

Cheri Hofmann - board and staff

Cheri Hofmann

FAAST Program Coordinator (P/T)

Get Involved

Interested in applying for a position on our board of directors? Download and fill out an application and email it to us.